04: Predator Profiles
Between The Lines - Ch 01: Profiles
Specifying a species as a gamefish is misleading, as all fish are gamefish if caught according to the ethics of the sport, and indeed a great many species are recognised by the IGFA as such. Indeed, the majority of fish species are predators as they hunt and feed on living organisms. On the other hand, even the most esteemed species such as marlin can become scavengers when the opportunity arises, so in reality, it is hard to classify the species into definite groups of predators and gamefish. The job at hand makes this chapter a bit easier as we are concentrating on gamefishing using skirted trolling lures. We will concentrate on the species most sought after using this method. The purpose of these early chapters is to gain an understanding that the many aspects of the sport create a jigsaw puzzle where everything involved is linked to everything else. With an understanding of how to come up with the questions will mean an understanding of the answers will be much clearer. Once again, we have our zone chart to the right. Let's first look at the inshore grounds because far more potential is there than many realise and they are often overlooked. This potential is based on the currents - areas that interfere with the flow of water such as reefs and islands, sudden changes in contours, both drop-offs and ridges and temperature differences. The greater the temperature differences over the shorter area the better. However, as each species has a preferred temperature range we will concentrate on temperatures from 18 to 26 degrees centigrade, with the optimum 25 to 26, though often fish will be found either side of what we believe to be their range. We will group all these factors (physical and temperature) together as 'structure'. Of course, there are many more signs and factors that guide towards increasing success, but that will be dealt with later. The inshore, or shallow grounds hold great potential since the systems of currents, reefs and water interchange are more concentrated. The species found here include mackerel and many other species that are similarly shaped. The fins are small and narrow. The tail is very small and solid. The teeth form a row of razor blades. This shape is built for speed but not for extended periods. It's more of a drag-racer than a four-wheel-drive. The eyes are quite small, a sign that the species feeds more during the day than night. The lateral line is distinct and well defined, an indication that vibration is very important to them.
Mackerels and similar species are generally found in the currents adjacent to the structure. In fact, most of the predators can be found in these areas, as this is not only where the food is but where it is easiest to feed on. Most, because this is not the case for blue marlin, Spearfish, albacore and several others.
The black marlin has the most solid bill of all the billfish species and it is also the most abrasive. The actual purpose of the bill is thought to aid water flow at speed, directional stability and to some extent, as a weapon for feeding, defence and aggression. The lateral line in juveniles is very well defined, but in adults, becomes embedded in the skin. It's proportionally large eyes is an indication of either nocturnal behaviour, or feeding at depth during daylight hours. This fish is designed to be an ultimate predator. Conserving energy while gliding through the ocean, its sensory organs conveying information from its surroundings and its ability to turn on an incredible burst of speed when necessary. Interestingly stomach content analysis show black marlin often feed on very small food items. It must pick these out individually as the structure of the gill systems are not designed to sift out these small items. Due to the highly migrational nature of the black marlin, they can be found in many of the zones throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. However, they are mainly found near shore and major reef structures. Many game and sports anglers ignore these places as they are considered too close to the shore to hunt large gamefish. Black marlin tend to congregate in year classes and size in various areas at different times of the year with the younger, smaller ones showing up first.
These fish are without a doubt the most beautiful fish we encounter with iridescent rainbow colours of great intensity. Built to eat, they have massive fins and streamlined shape. Mahi mahi are school fish that cooperate in balling up baitfish and massacring them. They are very powerful for their size as they spend much of their time fining in the currents on the prowl for food. They also seem to be highly intelligent as it is often hard to catch many from a school without changing tactics.
As with the other pack or school fish they may be found in the closer shallower zones if oceanic currents and eddies are pushed in. The main quarry of the deep blue for game anglers is the blue marlin. These are the toughest of all marlin, and are incredibly spectacular oceanic predators. They have large powerful fins, big eyes and their physical build is streamlined and muscular.
All these and the other predators inhabit the currents, along the edges where food is most plentiful and easiest to hunt. Many other species that inhabit the same waters are also worth considering. Important factors to note are that often many species of predators will be found in the same area feeding on the same bait species. Bait species are not specific food for individual predator species. All predators are opportunistic feeders, eating for the most part whatever they can easily catch. The size of food varies from minute to as much as 20 percent of the predator's weight. Often they will let other species do most of the work in balling up bait, while they hang back and wait for the wounded bait to drift into their range. Certainly, the major prize for any predator is finding wounded prey that is easily caught and eaten. Each of the species that we hunt certainly has a water temperature range that it prefers. However, you will find that you can catch them outside this range. In all cases difference in water temperature over a given distance, for example, 18 degrees to 22 degrees in two miles - is far more important than the actual temperature. Information as to specific temperatures can also be misleading as very few boats have calibrated gauges that read correctly on a specific or range of temperatures. |